Water Soluble Manganese (Mn) All chelated with EDTA 5.5%
Water Soluble Zinc (Zn) All chelated with EDTA 8%
pH range in which EDTA Chelate is stable 3-7
Foliar Application:
100 gr. / 100 L. Water
Prevents and balances nutrient imbalance in plants. A micronutrient mixture that provides a solution to both disease and development problems of the plant. The Zinc and Manganese in its content increase the plant’s resistance to environmental factors and also contribute to the plant’s fruit yield and quality.
It is specially produced with quality raw material and chelating technique.
It is applied to eliminate zinc and manganese deficiencies in plants.
It increases the disease and stress resistance of plants, with the concentrated Zinc it contains.
It prevents and balances nutrient imbalance in plants.
It offers effective solutions to increase efficiency and quality.
It can be applied to all fruit trees, field crops, garden plants and greenhouses.
MR. HERO ZnMn EDTA is in the form of water-soluble microgranule structure and should be applied during periods of high plant uptake or periods of more intense photosynthetic activity.
Soft and hard stone fruits, citrus fruits, banana, grape, kiwi, strawberry, tomato, pepper, eggplant, cucumber, melon, rice, wheat, barley, sunflower, corn, sugar beet, cotton, tobacco, potato, squash, cauliflower, onion, garlic, peas, other grain legumes, soy, peanut, bean, clover, tea, hazelnut, walnut, almond, olive, vineyard.